My Smart Move

The applications

At the service of sport and rehabilitation

Drawing up "biomechanical" assessments means measuring various specific parameters resulting from movement (orientations, forces, speeds). These assessments are essential to increase performance, avoid injury and optimise rehabilitation.

However, the actors of sport do not have easily available today, objective data, allowing to measure the quality of a movement, whether it is sport or rehabilitation.

To meet these challenges, mySMartMove is developing a wireless solution for accurate motion capture and analysis, usable in all environments, and offering personalised feedback, in real time and/or remotely.


- Improved diagnosis

- Improved posture
and movement

- Biomechanical assessment

- Remote monitoring
of patient progress


Preparing athletes means : 

- Improve their performance

- Improve the quality of the gesture

- Reducing the risk of injury

- Give them immediate feedback

- Enable them to return tocompetition

- Recording exercises,
with one or more athletes
to help them progress
on targeted dimensions .


- Planning the progression

- Controlling the training load

- Use appropriate equipment 

- Correcting a faulty technique